Latest News
Parish Precept Increase
The Parish Precept will increase in 2024-25 from £6,250 to £7,000 - this equates approximately for a BandD property of £7.09 per annum a 10.7% increase. Members considered it reasonable to request this due to increasing costs and to maintain assets - SAM2, Defibrillator, Play Equipment, Noticeboards, The Registered Village Green and Bus Shelters. We are in the process of refurbishing the Thorpe Market Village sign which has decayed over the years and had to be removed. We are also hoping in the longer term to provide better facilities at the playing field to ensure that this asset is fully utilised.
Theft from Oil Tanks - Be Aware
We have recently been informed that oil is being stolen from properties.
Heating oil tanks have the potential to store thousands of pounds worth of heating oil, and are often located in remote areas — this can make them an attractive target for thieves. The chance of being targeted by thieves is relatively low, but becoming a victim of heating oil theft is a costly, inconvenient and upsetting experience.
How heating oil is stolen
In order to steal heating oil, thieves will usually decant, syphon or pump oil from your tank into other containers. Thieves might use this oil themselves, or sell it on. There have even been reports of criminals selling stolen oil back to the victim.
Opportunistic thieves might target tanks that they spot while out and about, whereas more organised criminals use tools such as Google Maps to identify homes with oil tanks in their gardens. Another tactic used by would-be thieves is following oil delivery vehicles in order to identify homes with full tanks.
Data from police forces across England suggests heating oil theft is most prevalent in the first three months of the year when tanks are likely to be full and the days are short. However, thefts occur year-round, so it pays to be vigilant at all times.
This site has been created by the Parish Council to allow us to better connect with the people living and working in our village. The intention is to provide details of the Parish Council, Village Hall and a link to St Margaret's Church along with any items that may be of general interest.
All communications should be made to the Clerk in the first instance.
The goal is to improve the general level of awareness within the village and encourage a spirit of "community". If you would like to know more please contact us.